Casey Sue
The star of the show. Casey is a very sassy gal with a fierce tongue. Casey enjoys food and hanging out with her owner, Tanner. She sleeps when she can and enjoys life to it's fullest. But she's not afraid to correct you if you step out of line, as she is often the butt of Tanner's ongoing job ventures.

Tanner Johnston
The co-star of the comic. He is always there for Casey. He's someone Casey can be herself around, though sometimes she wonders why she wants to be around him anyway - and offers a sense of discipline in the strips. He and Casey were taken in by the Montanas, whose house he uses as a lab until he finds stable work again.

Bud W. L. Montana
Casey's animal pal... or enemy. Bud is sort of a prankster. When Casey's asleep, for instance, he blows an air horn in her face, but then gets what's coming for him.

Miley Montana
The youngest animal; a kitten! Miley is in love with herself and has to keep up with all the latest fashion trends.

Jonny Montana
Tanner's best friend. Jonny is a geeky, but a great dad to his children (see below), who serves Casey like a Queen. He likes to think he is the family powerhead.

Molly Montana
Jonny's wife, and strong and loving mother. She doesn't put up with much that Jonny - or anyone - does.

Billy M.: The baby who knows a bit of English and sometimes scares the begeebies out of people. He wanted to trap Santa once. Now used less-often. Sandie: A sassy and outspoken 8-year-old. Jonny M. jr: A rambunctious 10-year-old who shares a lot in common with his sister, though at least he has a moral code in comparison.
Marylyn: The rich know-it-all up the road, and Tanner's love interest. Cliffy: The Montanas' neighbour to the right, and drunk all the time. Zach: Tanner's friend, and the Montanas' neighbour to the left. Mr. Pit: An ex school teacher who taught English. A cranky, retired, old man. Mrs. Lee: A teacher on the verge to retire. Kind, sweet (unless pushed), and elderly. Keith: A local resident who never smiles. Ever. Pat: A ghost-hunter. Tanner Riche: The cartoonist who occasionally pops in, mainly when Casey visits the studio.